Race for Life
Created by Sarah Doggart
29th June 2013
This event has closed
Race for Life - 5k run in Tatton Park, Cheshire.
Sarah & Leanie will be attempting to run the 5k, having spent no time training, but with the determination to raise money for my mum's tribute fund .
6 weeks ago today I lost my mum to cancer. She was 62 years old and had spent half her life bravely battling cancer.
Over the coming years we intend to raise £15,000 towards a fund set up in my mum's name.
The Christie have 'planted' a brass Tree of Hope in a quiet garden at their main site.
This tree thanks all those people who have raised over £15,000 in memory of someone, with a leaf engraved with the name of the person who has passed away.
All money raised will go directly towards a nominated specific research fund within The Christie hospital.
This includes research into the use and effects of radiotherapy, including Brachytheraphy treatment.
The Wade Centre for radiotherapy research is a dedicated facility within The Christie and is an international centre for excellence.
The Dr who treated my mum will also be using the funding towards research into the BRCA genes; their primary function being to repair cell damage. However when a mutation occurs in the gene it stops repairing the DNA which can lead to a cell becoming damaged and therefore cancerous.
These mutations are generally inherited and effect many families.
My mum called it her 'wonky' gene.
She developed breast cancer when she was just 32 years old, after traumatic surgery, radiotherapy & reconstruction (which later leaked & had to be removed) she was in remission.
5 years later it returned following which she underwent more surgery & radiotherapy.
A year later she decided to have a transflap operation which left her with MRSA and subsequently her body fought against the surgery & it took her many months to heal.
Just one year later, and for the 3rd time the dreaded breast cancer returned and so mum had to face another mastectomy.
Then 4 years later and it returned in her breast as a small amount of tissue had not been correctly removed.
Finally we though that has to be enough for one person to battle.
However, aged 57 in the year 2008, we were devastated when we were told that the cancer had spread to her lymph nodes, liver, bones and in the end to her brain.
Back in 2008 her Dr gave her 6 months to live...she turned that into 5 years.
She fought to the very end,
She undertook 5 rounds of hideous chemotherapy, put herself forward for drug trials, had countless sessions of radiotherapy and somehow though all that continued to smile and enjoy her newborn grandchildren.
My mum never said why me.
She never complained.
She was and will always be my inspiration.
Thank you for taking time to read this.
In sharing mum's story I hope it will help give someone else the determination to fight this hideous disease.